
Showing posts with the label hatha yoga

Yoga Teacher Training in India - Week 3

After three weeks of intense yoga teacher training things came up for me literally and metaphorically. I feel that I have grown more this week than I thought possible. I got sick and for anyone traveling anywhere in India, I recommend taking a probiotic, oil of oregano and a wellness formula daily. Emotions come up while traveling in India and it truly is a beautiful healing process. If we don’t ever look at any of the old energy we are holding onto we can’t heal it. I will be the first to admit that it does not always feel good to look at your old beliefs and emotions. But the journey to enlightenment is all about shining light on old beliefs that no longer work, as hard as it may feel at times, so I am truly grateful for this experience. Deep healing was the intention that I set for this training; and you know what they say, ask and you shall receive. The weather cooled off and it began to rain this week and I feel that the plants are happy; it is lush and green here. Betw...

Yoga Teacher Training in India - Week One

Yoga teacher training in India at  Rishikesh  - RYS 200, 500 . I arrived in Rishikesh seven days ago to join the 300 hour hatha yoga teacher training in India . I came here with a purpose of self-healing and to deepen my yoga practice and knowledge. I did not expect that I was about to meet so many amazing new friends. I have never been surrounded by so many beautiful souls. The people who work here and all the students here are absolutely lovely.   Being in the yoga capital of the world on the Ganges River at the foothills of the Himalayas is truly magical. I feel right at home here and can sense a genuine, loving and open vibe from everyone I meet. We start the day bright and early with morning tea and sinus cleansing using a neti pot, which can feel awkward the first time but it really cleans out your sinuses so you can breathe! After cleansing our sinuses we go up for morning practice, then breakfast with a lot of fresh fruit followed by theory...