500-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

500 hour TTC at Starlim India Gives You Great Sense of Confidence

Completing your 500 Hour Teacher Training Course gives you greater confidence in your own proficiency as a yoga teacher. The 200 Hour TTC lays the foundation and when you go in for the 500 hour TTC your understanding of yoga offers deeper clarity and you will find you can demonstrate better competency in your yoga teaching ability.

500 Hour TTC is a spaced journey
The 500 Hour TTC can be demanding but those who opt for it take the challenge willing as they feel that their understanding of yoga improves tremendously. Their mastery of anatomy and philosophy and its application in their daily practice lays a solid foundation for their own teaching practice. The 500 hour TTC equips them to impart yoga teaching to their own students with better knowledge. The classes are structured differently and in such a way that they provide ample time for reflection and better understanding of your own yoga journey. “The classes are challenging yet accepting of where each student is at in their journey.”  The teacher trainees are encouraged to honor their own body and to listen to it over what instructions they are receiving during the classes. Yoga is taught not as something to compete about but as something that will contribute to your own wellbeing and development.
500-hour yoga teacher training is structured to advance and reinforce your basic learning and practice of yoga. You will be instructed in the teaching methodology for Asana (physical postures), pranayama (breath control) and dhyana (meditation). Classes in these three and other fields will build on your existing skills in the various postures, pranayama and meditation techniques which will be a step forward in you becoming a registered yoga teacher. As a yoga teacher you will need specific advanced skills and so the 500 hour YTT is designed to fulfill those needs.

» An in-depth study of Yog Sutra and Vedanta will enable you to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the philosophy and practice of yoga. You will be taught to identify body types and capacity of the individuals to adopt yogic practice.
» Human anatomy and physiology and its correlation to yogic practices, mantra chanting and principles of swara yoga are other areas where you will be able to sharpen and polish your skills as required by a teacher.
» One other important aspect that is covered in the course is the study of ethical guidelines that a yoga teacher must accomplish in order to maintain a better student-teacher relationship.

» 01 February to 23 April, 2016 :: US$ 3200 :: Fully Booked
» 04 April to 25 June, 2016:: US$ 3200 (500-Hour Certification - RYT 500 - Yoga Alliance) :: Fully Booked
» 06 June to 27 August, 2016 :: US$ 3200 (500-Hour Certification - RYT 500 - Yoga Alliance)
» 01 August to 22 October, 2016 :: US$ 3200 (500-Hour Certification - RYT 500 - Yoga Alliance)
» 03 October to 24 December, 2016 :: US$ 3200 (500-Hour Certification - RYT 500 - Yoga Alliance)
» 05 December to 25 February, 2017 :: US$ 3200 (500-Hour Certification - RYT 500 - Yoga Alliance)
Starlim India
Swarg Ashram
Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 249304



500 Hour TTC at Rishikesh Yog Peeth is a fulfilling personal experience
The 500 Hour Teacher Training Course is conducted at Shiva where you are treated to some of the best views of the mountains from the rooftops. At Rishikesh Yog Peeth you have the opportunity to interact with yoga learners from all over the world. The different views expressed during the many interactions bring about meaningful dialogue and furthers your understanding of the people from all over the world. The aim of yoga is to spread love and understanding of humanity and at Shiva you are living the practice. “The entire community at Rishikesh Yog Peeth breathes yoga in every step they take and living among people of different cultures is an enriching experience.”   

Rishikesh Yog Peeth takes responsibility for each learner’s growth
The yoga instructors at Rishikesh Yoga Peeth know how to unfold and develop each concept in ways that are easy to grasp. Anatomy could be mind boggling but after a while you realise that the “names of muscles and joint movements will just begin to flow off the tip of your tongue.” The instructors are genuine, know authentic yoga, and are always willing to guide you or clarify a point you have not understood. “What is even more astounding is that they are always available to you.”  Rishikesh Yog Peeth ensures that each learner is cared for and is safe. “From the moment you step into their care, they take responsibility for the students’ growth, safety, education, and confidence in yoga.” The entire community at Rishikesh Yog Peeth is geared to ensure that you have the best yoga experience including the kitchen and other support staff.

Important Notes
  • Course fee includes food and accommodation (all students are provided private room with attached bathroom).
  • Booking amount due with the application is US$ 400 (non-refundable advance towards the course fee with options to switch from one batch to another within 12 months).
  • Balance fee needs to be paid upon your arrival in Rishikesh.
  • All fees are non-refundable. Please don't send requests for a refund.

Daily Schedule
  • 05:00 am                     - Herbal Tea
  • 05:30 to 05:45 am       - Yogic cleansing
  • 05:45 to 06:30 am       - Pranayama with Bandhas
  • 06:45 to 07:45 am       - Satsang: 30 min Mantra chanting + 30 min Silent meditation
  • 08:00 to 10:00 am       - Asana: review, variations, adjustment and alignment
  • 10:00 am                     - Breakfast
  • 11:30 to 01:00 pm       - Philosophy: Yog sutra, Bhagvad Gita, Vedanta, Sages and their teachings
  • 01:00 to 02:30 pm       - Rest
  • 02:30 to 03:30 pm       - Anatomy, Physiology and its correlations with Yoga
  • 04:00 to 05:30 pm       - Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha and Meditation
  • 06:00 pm                     - Dinner
  • 07:30 to 09:00 pm       - Satsang: 30/45 min Kirtan + 30 min Silence meditation
  • 09:30 pm                     - lights off

General Rules:
  • Uniform is mandatory.
  • Silence from 09:00 pm to 10:00 am.
  • Daily home work 4 to 5 questions written for the next day.
  • No missing class (except health problems)
  • No going out (except day off).
  • Final exam as a procedure to evaluate.
  • Admission into the course does not guarantee the Certificate.
  • Rishikesh Yog Peeth reserves the right to disqualify a student at any given moment from the training.
  • Number of meals have been reduced to two, which will help in finding introversion and inner strength. Herbal tea and fruits will be provided in between.
  • Schedule is subject to change if Course Director thinks it is needed.

General readings:
  • Four chapters on freedom - Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha

500-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Syllabus


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